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Constitutional and somatic mutation analysis for human diseases have come to be standard of care in several specialties and these will be discussed in more detail. Clinical laboratories have implemented various molecular biology testing platforms, including next generation sequencing, for the detection and quantification of numerous human and microbial gene targets associated with a variety of diseases. The last several years have seen an explosion in the adoptability of clinical genomic testing by healthcare providers. Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Pathology, Lebanon, United States Invited Speakers PL4 22 and you: the impact of genomics on patient care West of Scotland Science Park, 2317 Maryhills Road, Glasgow, G20 0SP, UKĮlizabeth Hall, Publications Committee, Association for Clinical Biochemistry

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Meeting Makers, Block 4, Unit 4, Kelvin Campus, Gilbert Wieringa, Gerhard Zlabinger, Ian Watson (Chair) Rebecca Allcock, Carrie Chadwick, Ian Godber, Joe O’Meara, Stephen Smith, Ana-Maria Simundic, Patrick Twomey, Ian Watson, Mark Weaver, Gilbert Wieringa (Chair)Ĭhris Chaloner, Joris Delanghe, Danielle Freedman, Ilkka Mononen, Sverre Sandberg, International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Union Européenne Des Médecins SpécialistesĪssociation for Clinical Biochemistry & Laboratory Medicine

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Liverpool, United Kingdom, 7th–10th October, 2014Įuropean Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Laboratory Medicine at the Clinical Interface

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